Aldina Valente

It is with deep regret that we announce the death of Maria Aldina Fernandes Valente this morning at her home. Mrs Aldina was known by everyone in Ul, Oliveira de Azemeis and Simoldes in Portugal and abroad. She was an integral part of our company, because although she always lived behind the scenes, she was part of the very foundations of Simoldes. Her absence will be deeply felt by us all.

Wife of the founder of Simoldes, Comendador António da Silva Rodrigues, and mother of Rui Paulo Fernandes Rodrigues, she was a recognised benefactor of the Oliveira de Azemeis community, supporting various local people and associations.

We would like to assure all our employees, customers and partners that the company will continue to operate normally and we thank you for your understanding and support at this difficult time.

We respectfully ask that the family’s privacy and grief be observed at this difficult time.

PAC – development of urban microcar

Portuguese design car coverings that regenerate.


The national project is part of the development of the urban microcar, which involved more than 20 scientific and business organisations.


To find out more click here.